Passing Standard

As per University Circular No.UG/442 of 2001

  1. A student is said to have passed if he/she secures 40% of marks allotted in each head of passing. Theory of 100 marks and TW/Practical/Tutorial of 50 marks are treated as separate heads of passing.
  2. A student is said have passed Semester I if the student passes in all heads of passing of the Semester.
  3. A student is eligible to be admitted to Semester II irrespective of no. of heads of failure in the First Semester.
  4. A student is eligible for admission to Semester III if either the student passes Semester I & II.
    The student fails in combination of Theory and/or Practical taken in Semester I or Semester II or together, where the total marks does not exceed 200.
  5. A student is eligible to be admitted to Semester IV irrespective of no. of heads of failure in the Third Semester. However the student has to clear Semesters I and II order to appear for Semester IV examination.
  6. A student is eligible for admission to Semester V if either the student passes Semesters III & IV.
    The student fails in a combination of Theory and/ or Practical taken in Semester III or Semester IV or together, where the total marks does not exceed 200.
  7. A student is eligible to be admitted to Semester VI irrespective of no. of Heads of failure in the fifth Semester. The results of Semester VI should be kept in abeyance / until the student clears Semesters III, IV, and V in full.
  8. The class is awarded Semester – wise for Semesters I, II, III and However, Semester V and VI will be taken together for award of class i.e. in the Final Year.
    . Award of class is based on passing in all theory papers at one sitting.
    . Passing in parts will be awarded Pass Class irrespective of the Cumulative percentage of marks.
    . Distinction is awarded for 75% and above.
    . First Class is awarded for 60% and above but below 75%.
    . Second Class is awarded for 50% and above but below 60%.
    . Pass Class is awarded for below 50%.
  9. There will be one repeat examination (for Semester I, II, III and IV) for those who have failed or remained absent. The absent students will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary procedure. This examination will be held 30 days after the declaration of results but not later than 60 days.
  10. The candidates who are repeaters at the B.Sc. (I.T.) examination shall be granted exemption form reappearing in term work, project and viva-voce if they have secured minimum marks required for passing in these heads at their previous examinations.