College Rules Regulations

  1. Students should always wear their valid Identity Card whenever in College or representing the College at any other place. If an Identity Card is lost, a duplicate Identity Card can be obtained from the library on payment of charges as per rules.
  2. Students are expected to be punctual and must behave properly in keeping with the dignity of the Temple of Learning.
  3. Students should not loiter in and around the College corridors and premises during working hours.
  4. Students are advised not to indulge in any malpractices or misbehavior.
  5. A student is liable to be restricted for misbehavior or anti-social activity.
  6. Students are expected to see regularly notices on the NOTICE BOARDS. They should take proper note of these notices. The college will not be held responsible for any delay / disqualification / rejection of student’s candidature on account of his / her failure to go through notices as applicable from time to time.
  7. Attendance : Minimum attendance of 75% of the teaching days is compulsory at lectures, practical, tutorials. A student with unsatisfactory attendance and performance will not be allowed to appear for the Annual Examination. Parents are advised to take special note of this mandatory condition of minimum attendance. Application for leave of absence of their wards on account of illness or any other reasons should be submitted to the Principal.
  8. A student who is found guilty of misbehavior in any manner in the class, in the library or anywhere else in the College premises or having adverse effect on discipline on the college premises will be expelled from the college.
  9. Students shall not organize picnics, excursions, trips, etc. without prior permission of the Principal. They are prohibited from collecting the contribution towards picnics, education tours, get-together, charity or any other activity without specific prior sanction from the Principal of the College.
  10. Students shall be dressed decently and appropriately for an educational institution.
  11. Students shall not use mobile phone in the College Premises.
  12. Concessions forms, Certificates, Testimonials application forms can be obtained from the college office.