Credit and Grading System

Degree College > Credit and Grading System

Concept of Credit and Grading System:

  • The curriculum is divided into Units that can be combined to get a Degree/Diploma.
  • A “CREDIT” is a VALUE used to measure a students’ workload in terms of learning time required to complete a Course Unit, resulting in learning outcomes.
  • Credit, in Higher Education collectively describes an amount of learning.
  • The Number of Credits awarded to a student is determined by Credit Value or Credit Points
  • It provides more flexibility to the Students to chose inter-disciplinary courses.
  • One Credit is the Thirty learning hours.
  • Credit once gained cannot be lost.


Philosophy of Credit Assignment:

    • Normally there are four different courses in all the programmes offered by University of Mumbai.
1. Compulsory Courses: 4 Credits per course
2. Core / Special Courses: 3 Credits per course
3. Applied Component: 3 Credits per course
4. Foundation Courses: 2 Credits per course
5. Skill Courses: 2 Credits per course
  • The Total credit value shall be 120 credits for all the Under-Graduate courses in all the faculties.
  • The Total credit value shall be 80 credits for M.A and M. Com whereas 96 credits in case of M. Sc.


Allocation of Time Per Credit:

  • 50% of the time will be spent on Class-Room instructions including practical as prescribed by University.
  • Rest of 50% time is allocated for assignments, projects, journal writing, case studies, library work, industrial visits, participating in seminars/ workshops, preparation for examination, etc.


Scheme of Evaluation:

The Performance of the students will be evaluated in TWO PARTS.

  • Internal Assessment / Continuous Evaluation :               25% marks
  • Semester End Assessment :                                         75% marks
  • Internal Assessment or Continuous Evaluation of the students is based on their participation in various academic and correlated activities during the semester.
  • Semester End Assessment is on the basis of their performance in the semester end Theory Examination(Written Examination)


Assessment Procedure:

  • Internal Assessment:  25%                                                    25 marks
  • One Class –Test/ Case Study / on-line or a combination of these:                                                                                       20 marks
  • Active Participation in Class Instructional Activities:
  • Overall conduct as a responsible student, mannerism, leadership qualities in organizing academic activities:                                                                     05 marks
  • Semester End Assessment: 75%                                            75 marks
  • Duration of Examination: 2 hours

Standard of Passing:

  • Student has to score a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate to qualify each course where the course consists of Internal and Semester End Assessment. Student has to obtain 10 marks

( 40% 0f 25 marks) in the Internal Assessment and 30 marks (40% of 75 marks) in Semester End Assessment.

  • To qualify each course and Project (if applicable)minimum Grade E is necessary.
  • If a student passes in the Internal Assessment but fails in Semester End Assessment, he/she has to reappear for the Semester End Assessment. His/Her marks of Internal Assessment will be carried over and he/she will be entitled for Grade on passing the complete course.
  • A student failing in Internal Assessment but passing in Semester End Assessment, he/she has to reappear for Internal Assessment in the form of Projects for that course. His/Her marks of Semester End Assessment will be carried over and he/she will be entitled for Grade on passing the complete course.
  • Re-evaluation for Internal Assessment-one project of 40 marks, 20 marks for the documentation 10 marks for presentation and 10 marks for viva.